Editorial Design is a craft that blends creative design and the written word, bringing each to life in the most effective and original way. An Editorial Designer’s job is to create a finished product that encourages readers to engage with the content, such as magazines, books, websites and more. This means choosing the right font, formatting the layout correctly and adding updated visuals. It’s also a huge asset to spin words in order to format them better, in order to invite readers further into the narrative.

Maybe you’re unsure what an Editorial Designer can do for you.

Here’s some projects that our expert Editorial Designer made real:

  • Putting words in a visually appealing format
  • Converting medical documents into an electronic common technical document
  • Making company financial reports look professional
  • Formating files for printing and publishing

At Freelancer.com we have experienced Editors who know how to bring life to your project! They have created and produced multiple works ranging from ebooks to annual reports—transporting ideas into actual products.

If you have something special in mind or even if you’re just curious about what Freelancer’s Editorial Design experts can do for your project, don’t hesitate to post it on Freelancer.com and discover all the possibilities around creating and publishing your content. Our talented' Editorial Designers are awaiting you!

De 3,002 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Editorial Designers 5 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Editorial Designers

Editorial Design is a craft that blends creative design and the written word, bringing each to life in the most effective and original way. An Editorial Designer’s job is to create a finished product that encourages readers to engage with the content, such as magazines, books, websites and more. This means choosing the right font, formatting the layout correctly and adding updated visuals. It’s also a huge asset to spin words in order to format them better, in order to invite readers further into the narrative.

Maybe you’re unsure what an Editorial Designer can do for you.

Here’s some projects that our expert Editorial Designer made real:

  • Putting words in a visually appealing format
  • Converting medical documents into an electronic common technical document
  • Making company financial reports look professional
  • Formating files for printing and publishing

At Freelancer.com we have experienced Editors who know how to bring life to your project! They have created and produced multiple works ranging from ebooks to annual reports—transporting ideas into actual products.

If you have something special in mind or even if you’re just curious about what Freelancer’s Editorial Design experts can do for your project, don’t hesitate to post it on Freelancer.com and discover all the possibilities around creating and publishing your content. Our talented' Editorial Designers are awaiting you!

De 3,002 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Editorial Designers 5 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Editorial Designers


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    Halo! Saya Aldiansyahrafly, seorang editor yang berpengalaman dengan lebih dari 4 tahun dalam editor Saya memiliki passion untuk menyempurnakan tulisan dan membantu penulis menyampaikan pesan mereka dengan jelas dan efektif. Saya memiliki keahlian dalam: Pengeditan Konten: Mengedit artikel, blog, buku, dan materi pemasaran untuk memastikan kejelasan, konsistensi, dan kualitas. Pemeriksaan Tata Bahasa dan Ejaan: Memastikan semua teks bebas dari kesalahan dan sesuai dengan pedoman gaya yang ditentukan. Penyuntingan Kreatif: Memberikan masukan konstruktif untuk meningkatkan alur cerita, karakter, dan tema dalam tulisan fiksi. Pengeditan Teknikal: Memahami aspek teknis dan konten spesifik industri untuk memastikan akurasi dan kepatuhan terhadap standar.

    €17 / hr Average bid
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